Until further notice, the UC Davis Retiree Center will be closed to walk-in visitors and in-person appointments. Our staff will be working remotely and should be available to answer questions that you might have during the hours listed below:
- Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. & 1 p.m. – 4 p.m.
- Phone number: (530) 752-5182
- Email support at 一sub网络加速器
- We will do our best to respond to all calls and emails as soon as possible. Please leave a detailed voicemail with your name and phone number if you are unable to reach us via phone.
The UC Davis Retiree Center appreciates the importance of retired staff and faculty and their status as lifelong members of the UC Davis community. The Center plans retiree programs, supports the UC Davis Emeriti Association (UCDEA) and the UC Davis Retirees’ Association (UCDRA), provides information and referrals, connects retirees to volunteer opportunities and assists employees who are nearing retirement. See more: sub免费网络加速器
UC has launched UC Retirement At Your Service (UCRAYS) — a new retirement website that will give UC faculty, staff and retirees greater access and more ways to view and manage their retirement information. This new website will eventually replace At Your Service Online (AYSO) after all UC locations have transitioned to UCPath for our 130,000 active faculty and staff members and more than 77,000 retirement benefit recipients.
UCRAYS will offer access to:
- account balance, contributions and service credit
- 5G主流机型异军突起 骁龙765G堪称制胜法宝_北方号_北方 ...:2021-4-14 · 原标题:5G主流机型异军突起骁龙765G堪称制胜法宝【PChome手机频道报道】2021年的手机市场,5G手机会占据很大的比例,这点我伊从在今年新发布的多款手机中就能看出,高端机型已经全面5G化,而面向大众用户群体的主流型手机中,也开始呈现出这种趋势,尤其是在2021元至4
- retiree benefit and tax statements
- retiree tax withholdings
- contact information
Be sure to set up your online account as soon as possible to easily access your benefits. For help, please refer to the How To guide.
Additional information regarding retirement in the UC is also available at 安卓网络加速器

Learn about retirement planning classes and other resources
Newly Retired?
Learn how to get your retiree ID/library card, RT parking permit, and other privileges.
Check out retiree services